The Witcher

The hunt for The White Wolf has drawn to a close. Sometime Superman, one time Cruise antagonist, and all-time badass, Henry Cavill has been announced as Geralt. We should have known really. That IGN interview a few weeks back seems a bit tongue in cheek now. “Would you be interested in playing Geralt?… I’d love to!” All the while knowing the deal was already sealed. Well played Mr. Cavill, well played.

Apparently, for the past four months show creator Lauren S. Hissrich has known Cavill would be her Geralt. This massive piece of casting news was announced, via Twitter, this afternoon. While the rest of us have been debating script details, writing teams, and hypothetical casting, The Witcher was already cast. Astounding really that the secret lasted this long.

But he’s too clean cut tight??

No. He is not. He’s a great actor. He does action extremely well. He’s got intensity enough to stand up to Tom Cruise, and Alec Baldwin. Plus, he is absolutely ja-ja-jacked. The debate is fierce on Twitter of course. Some say Waldau. Others, Mikkelson. But for us here at GamEir? We always picked Cavill. The fact that he is a self-confessed Witcher nerd is the icing on the cake. Don’t tell him we called him a nerd though.

The Witcher Netflix series is already hotly anticipated. Fans of the books and the games alike are following every development. All of this before the casting is complete, and shooting hasn’t even begun. There will surely be huge pressure on the show’s creators to deliver something to both satisfy The Witcher fans, and also appeal to the broader public. The big pity is it could be years before we even find out! Nevertheless, GamEir will dutifully report on every update as it comes!

About The Author

Brian started gaming on a Commodore 64 before you were born. He played everything worth playing on every platform worth playing them on since then, but refuses to mess with that new fangled VR stuff. Makes him nauseated he says.

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