Digimon World: Next Order has released worldwide. To celebrate its release, I’m going to take a look at a few of the greatest Digimon in Digimon history. Not only that but I’ll be looking at what Digimon World: Next Order is bringing to the legacy of Digimon.

The eighth Digimon for the eighth DigiDestined, Gatomon has a tragic background. Her Digi-Egg was separated from the rest and eventually she was found by Myotismon who is one of the most despicable villains in Digimon history. She eventually became one of his most trusted lieutenants. After coming into conflict with the DigiDestined multiple times, she finally remembered that she was connected to Kari and was instrumental in defeating Myotismon. She is a defiant, powerful and wonderfully nuanced character. Plus unlike the rest of the Digimon in the group, she is strong enough to be in her Champion level constantly.

Leomon was considered a legend among Digimon. One of the greatest heroes that helped the DigiDestined and their partner best Devimon. He was a Dumbledore figure that was seen by many fans as a kind of father figure to the DigiDestined since he was one of the first good Digimon they met when they entered the Digital World. There were many notable appearances with Leomon, his rivalry with Ogremon, his battle with the DigiDestined when he was under the control of Devimon, and when he learned to warp digivolve to SaberLeomon.

One of the greatest characters in Digimon history BlackWarGreymon is a complex individual with an impressive design to boot. Created from pure evil BlackWarGreymon was designed by Arukenimon to destroy the DigiDestined and the Digital World as a whole. BlackWarGreymon clashed with the DigiDestined and trounced them over and over again until he eventually joined the DigiDestined. He had learned the importance of life and even gave his life to save not one but two worlds in the process.
Now with Digimon World: Next Order coming out there is a whole host of new characters and locations to thrill in. Here are a few of the features available once Digimon World: Next Order is released:
For the first time in the series explore the Digital World with not one but two Digimon partners! As always you can choose between a male or female avatar and raise 215 different Digimon some of which are on show in the gallery below. Having strong bonds with your Digimon is crucial so that they excel in enhanced AI battles. Cooperate and synchronise with them, and your chances of victory will increase. Be sure and shout commands to them and you will all achieve success. And as always you can use the bonds between your Digimon to trigger the ExE Evolution to merge them into a much more powerful creature. Not only will the game be released in the West, but it will also come in an enhanced version, specifically designed for the PlayStation 4.
To learn more about Digimon World: Next Order check out https://www.bandainamcoent.eu or follow them on Facebook or join the conversation on Twitter. And if you have any particular favourite Digimon in the long-running franchise let us know.
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