

HideoTube returns!

Been wondering what Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima's up to? Probably not since he's constantly tweeting, Instagramming and showing up at every awards show under the sun. Kojima may be gaming's busiest man betw...

Belfast’s RENDR festival returns

Following the success of its debut last year, Belfast’s RENDR festival returns to the city next month with an extraordinary line-up of creative talent from the global gaming industry. The two-day creativity...

Spilled! Pixelated Pollution Kickstarter

Today is one of those days when you hear about a gaming story that warms your heart. This story is about Spilled! This Kickstarter game developed by singular developer Lente is a passion project. Dubbed a "rel...
GamEir Game of the Year 2023

GamEir’s Game of the Year List 2023

It's close to the end of 2023 now. Not long before we all wake up and get to see what Santa has gifted us this year. Looking back at 2023 it's been quite a year. Several of us here at GamEir have our own thoug...

Demo Days: Luto

At this point, I’ve covered a decent handful of demos. However, none have been quite like Luto. Usually, demos showcase a part of the final game. Broken Bird Games and Entalto Games have gone a different route...