Inspired by the sci-fi masterpiece DUNE written by Frank Herbert and Legendary Entertainment’s award-winning, the blockbuster film from Denis Villeneuve, Dune: Awakening is built with both Dune and Survival fans in mind by the veteran developers at Funcom. Witness the vastness of Arrakis in the brand-new teaser trailer.

In Dune: Awakening you strive to survive the countless dangers of Arrakis alongside thousands of other players. Explore your role and identity while experiencing an epic personal journey, from searching for water and building shelters against storms to controlling the flow of spice in the top echelons of the planet.

Spice lies at the centre of conflict, advancement, and power in Dune: Awakening. Where spice blows appear, players converge. Fights can range from quick skirmishes to large-scale battles with infantry, ground vehicles, and ornithopters each providing an essential role.

The deserts hold a multitude of choices to make and paths to discover. Jump into an ornithopter to scout the deep deserts; equip advanced armour and weaponry to become a deadly mercenary; execute an efficient spice harvesting operation; gain influence among Great Houses — do all these things and more.

Joel Bylos, Chief Creative Officer at Funcom and Creative Director of Dune: Awakening, says, “Working with a universe as rich and expansive as Dune is the perfect fit for Funcom’s drive to create compelling multiplayer open worlds. With Dune: Awakening, we’re trying to push the boundaries of what people expect in the Survival space – and I can’t wait until we can get it into the hands of our players.”

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About The Author


Graham is the founder of GamEir and his knowledge is ever growing whenever it concerns gaming, films, and cartoons. Just don't ask him about politics.

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