Nine Witches: Family Disruption, the comedic alternate-history occult adventure game from Blowfish Studios and Indiesruption, summons supernatural hijinks to Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Steam for Windows PC in the second of 2020.
Something strange is happening in Sund, a rustic village on the northwest coast of Norway. As the fires of World War II rage on, members of the Third Reichs Okkulte-SS division have descended on the hamlet, harnessing a mystical power to strike a terrible blow against Allied forces. Under direct orders from the United Kingdom’s Prime Minister, Professor Alexei Krakovitz, a quadriplegic Russian expatriate renowned for his research into the occult sciences, and Akiro Kagasawa, the professors capable assistant, arrive in Scandinavia to investigate reports of witchcraft and put an end to the Nazis hellish machinations.
Explore the community of Sund and cross paths with more than 70 quirky and eccentric characters as the duo seek answers to supernatural enigmas. Collect clues and unravel a mystery as these unlikely heroes. Cross from the world of living to the realm of the dead as Professor Krakovitz, whose ability to traverse the Astral Plane allows him to pass through corporeal barriers and possess weak-minded individuals without leaving the confines of his wheelchair. Commune with ghosts to learn about the regionߣs haunting history as Krakovitz or switch to Kagasawa when situations need a physical touch, like ferrying items to solve puzzles or taking the fight to the Germans and otherworldly entities in side-scrolling action combat.
Soak in Sund scenery, brought to life with beautiful, retro-inspired pixel art and a comical story dripping with gleefully absurd, dark humor. Prepare for the unexpected as the heroic pair encounters one bizarre situation after the next on their crusade to stop the Third Reich. Help them do whatever it takes to save the world from the Okkulte-SS’s evil schemes.
“Nine Witches: Family Disruption was born from my desire to blend world history with magic and my personal sense of humour, said Diego Cánepa, designer, Indiesruption. I’m grateful Blowfish Studios are using their powers to help me bring the game to consoles and PC so this story can be enjoyed by players across the world.”
Nine Witches: Family Disruption will be available on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Steam for Windows PC in Q2 2020 for $19.99 USD / €17.99 / £15.99 / $24.99 AUD.
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