It’s time to save the world again adventurer. That’s right For The King II has been announced. For the King II builds on the hugely popular original game’s challenging blend of strategy. As well as its RPG combat and roguelike elements to create a thrilling new experience. That’s not all, For The King II will have 4 player co-op.

What is this all for?

For The King II allows you to kick off a single-player experience or play cooperatively online with up to 4 players. It offers a whole host of new biomes to explore. It also has a beautiful, updated art style, and a brand-new original soundtrack. Players will be transported deep into the wonders of Fahrul, leading them further than ever before into this stunningly imagined land of adventure.

From the vast number of character and item combinations to the procedurally generated maps, quests, loot, and events you will be tested. The world of Fahrul is ever-changing and will constantly keep you on your toes.

Easily my favourite part comes with the multiplayer. Will you choose to fight side-by-side with your friends or split up to claim all the loot for yourself to boost your unique abilities? These choices all play into your tactical advantages and powerful synergies. The more you play, the more you permanently unlock items for your characters.

For those interested in going on an adventure For the King II is slated to release in 2023 on PC. So pack your bags, prepare your weapons and get some friends together.

Stay tuned to GamEir. Come talk with us on Twitter (@gam_eir), Facebook (@GamEir), and Instagram (@GamEir).

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About The Author


Graham is the founder of GamEir and his knowledge is ever growing whenever it concerns gaming, films, and cartoons. Just don't ask him about politics.

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