Castlehold, the competitive strategy game from 5TH Cell, has arrived on PC through Steam Early Access. Travel to a world formed by a tear in space and time, where heroes band together to vie for power in their new surroundings. Recruit Vikings, cowboys, cyber soldiers, ninjas, and more to prepare for battle. Capture villages to acquire resources and deploy elite units, and utilize powerful commander abilities. Outmaneuver opponents, route them, and storm their castles in Ranked, Casual, and Friendly multiplayer matches.

When a cataclysmic event shatters space and time, champions from all eras of history find themselves struggling to survive in a mysterious realm known as the Drift. Recruit knights, cowgirls, druids, buccaneers, samurai, vikings, futuristic cybers soldiers, and a myriad of other heroes. Command the ultimate warband and vie for power in the strange new world of Castlehold.

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About The Author

Jade is a 25 year old horror queen (her words), artist and gamer. She's also a bit too obsessed with dinosaurs. When she's not writing or in game, Jade can normally be found buried in some kind of art.

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