The latest Hero Echo is now live in Overwatch. Not only that a new Competitive Mode in the Arcade has arrived for players to try her out in all her A.I. glory.

Load additional skill modules and play Echo, the new multirole evolutionary robot Damage Hero, on PC, Xbox One, PS4, and Nintendo Switch. Visit her Hero page to learn more.

ECHO – ABILITIES in Overwatch

  • Tri-Shot (Primary Fire) – Echo fires 3 shots at once, in a triangle pattern.
  • Sticky Bombs (Secondary Fire) – Echo fires a volley of sticky bombs that detonate after a delay.
  • Flight (Shift) – Echo surges forward quickly, then can fly freely.
  • Focusing Beam (E) – Echo channels a beam for a few seconds, dealing very high damage to targets with less than half health.
  • Duplicate (Ultimate) – Echo duplicates a targeted enemy hero and gains use of their abilities
  • Glide (Passive) – Echo can glide while falling.

COMPETITIVE OPEN QUEUE – The new Competitive Mode, Competitive Open Queue, has also launched in the Arcade and will run for roughly four weeks. This mode uses standard Competitive Play rules, including Hero Pools and one-Hero limit, but has no role restrictions or role queues.

Stay tuned to GamEir for more, and if you’re interested, converse with us on Twitter (@gam_eir), Facebook (@GamEir), and Instagram (@GamEir). Check out our videos on Twitch (GamEir) and YouTube (GamEir) and we’ll give you all the latest content!

About The Author


Graham is the founder of GamEir and his knowledge is ever growing whenever it concerns gaming, films, and cartoons. Just don't ask him about politics.

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