During the Monster Hunter Digital Event, series producer Ryozo Tsujimoto and director Yoshitake Suzuki provided fans with an in-depth look at Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. This included a new trailer and more game details.

For those who don’t know about Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak it is the monstrous new expansion for Monster Hunter Rise. Which is the critically-acclaimed and top-selling Monster Hunter title that was released on Nintendo Switch last year and PC this year.

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak – More monsters, more action, more of what you want

The expansion will include an all-new storyline with more new monsters, new additions to combat, the Master Rank quest difficulty, and more. Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak players with save data for Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin will also be able to unlock the Navirou layered armour for their palicoes when the expansion launches on June 30th on the Nintendo Switch and PC via Steam.

With the terrifying “thousand-edged dragon” making its terrifying return along with the chilling Aurora Somnacanth the fierceness of the monsters is not dulling. There is also the fiery Magma Almudron which will have heat to bring you to your knees. Finally, hunters will have to watch out for the vampiric Elder Dragon Malzeno. This particular Elder Dragon is quite the abomination.

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All of these calamities mean that you as a hunter will also have to evolve so you’ll be heading to Kamura village to learn new innovative skills known as Switch Skills. Hunters interested in learning more about the new Switch Skills coming to each of the 14 weapon types should head to the official Monster Hunter social channels starting on May 16th to catch a series of short videos exploring each weapon.

If you want to learn more check out the official YouTube channel to watch the full event.

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About The Author


Graham is the founder of GamEir and his knowledge is ever growing whenever it concerns gaming, films, and cartoons. Just don't ask him about politics.

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