Respawn Entertainment continues to expand the deep narrative of Apex Legends with a new Stories from the Outlands that sheds light on the backstory of a new Legend about to enter the arena at World’s Edge. The new Stories from the Outlands – Up Close and Personal will stun the world with an unexpected turn that impacts what players can expect in the upcoming season, Season 4 – Assimilation.

Fans have known about Jimmie “Forge” McCormick, the former Hyper Fighting Champion turned Apex Legend, but a mysterious assassin has him, and his sponsor Hammond Robotics, in his sights.

Apex Legends Season 4 – Assimilation – is arriving on February 4th, ushering in the next major seasonal content expansion as part of the one-year anniversary celebration. Players can look forward to an array of new content including a new Legend, changes to World’s Edge, the Sentinel, a new a bolt-action sniper rifle and much more including loyalty rewards and a brand-new Battle Pass.

In addition, Respawn recently announced Ranked Series 3 in a new blog post will include new six-week splits, a new Master Tier (featuring the top 500 players by platform) and more.

So if you’re one of the many, many players who enjoy Apex Legends or even if you’re a newcomer this is a great time to join in the fun.

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About The Author


Graham is the founder of GamEir and his knowledge is ever growing whenever it concerns gaming, films, and cartoons. Just don't ask him about politics.

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