Ubisoft has announced it will be hosting its first fully digital conference, called Ubisoft Forward, on the 12th of July. Get ready for an E3-style showcase with exclusive game news, exciting reveals and plenty more.

Hopes & dreams going Ubisoft Foward

Hopefully, this event gives gamers something substantial. Personally I’m looking forward to Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. The cinematic trailers have been interesting but the “gameplay” trailer was far too vague to actually give any kind of impression of the gameplay. Hopefully, this E3-Esque event will give us more to work with.

With this news though I do wonder will we get an announcement for a brand spanking new Prince of Persia. After all, Ubisoft has registered a website domain with the Prince of Persia 6 title. Ubisoft has also promised AAA titles like Watch Dogs: Legion, Gods & Monsters and Rainbow Six will be coming all the way up to April 2021. There is also the next Far Cry that has been rumoured about so everything is up in the air right now. This could be something great but only time will tell.

Follow their social media channels for all the latest updates. (FacebookInstagramLinkedInTwitterUbisoft News).

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About The Author


Graham is the founder of GamEir and his knowledge is ever growing whenever it concerns gaming, films, and cartoons. Just don't ask him about politics.

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