The One Ring is a tabletop roleplaying game based on The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, two extraordinary works of fiction by the beloved author and respected academic, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien. The firs...
A new tribe for Middle-earth: Shadow of War has been revealed in a new video, spotlighting the Warmonger tribe, a faction of Orcs who take reverence for warfare to new levels. For a Warmonger Orc, every moment ...
Another day and yet another vicious Orc tribe joins the many eccentric factions that have been thus far revealed by Warner Bros. Interactive. The latest video puts a spotlight on the Mystic tribe, a faction of ...
Over the last couple of weeks we've been treated to trailers that show off the many tribes of Middle-earth: Shadow of War now Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment has launched a new “Campaign That Never Forge...
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment has announced that Troy Baker is reprising his role as Talion in Middle-earth: Shadow of War, the upcoming open world action-adventure game. Baker has also taken on extend...
Today, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment released a brand new trailer showcasing the diverse and dynamic open-world of Middle-earth: Shadow of War. The video introduces viewers to the vast environments ...
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment has revealed the first gameplay footage of Middle-earth: Shadow of War, the sequel to the critically acclaimed Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor. This Gameplay Walkthrough...