Arctictopia, a healing puzzle game about a polar bear family set in the icy Arctic sea, has been released on Steam.

Arctictopia has been described as a soothing puzzle game. Players search out a route for the parent polar bear to navigate the ice flows to help the cubs.

Polar bear cub see polar bear cub do in Arctictopia

Every time you move the parent polar bear, the ice under will melt rapidly, so jump to the next piece of ice and reach the cub before it melts completely. The game has 150 stages in total. There is no time limit, so explore the route carefully and move along the ice. A unique and fascinating arctic world woven with cute illustrations like a hand-drawn picture book. Not only polar bear families, but also seals, seabirds, and other animals will appear.

This is a game meant to relax and soothe your soul after a long day.

With a charming design and a sweet and soothing score, Arctictopia looks to be something for the more casual gamer. With so many levels to explore there are endless experiences for players.

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About The Author


Graham is the founder of GamEir and his knowledge is ever growing whenever it concerns gaming, films, and cartoons. Just don't ask him about politics.

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