King’s Canyon is going dark for Halloween! EA and Respawn will be hosting a new Apex Legends limited-time Halloween Collection event called “Fight or Fright” from October 15 – November 5th.

Packed with exciting content, this haunting event in Apex Legends will include:

  • Limited Time Mode: Shadowfall – Experience a warped, dark version of the Apex games hosted by a mysterious figure known as Revenant. Sooner or later, players will end up joining Revenant’s powerful “Shadow Squad” without weapons or legend abilities — but with increased movement and jump speed.
  • Themed Content – Complete a variety of challenges to earn exclusive skins, badges and a music pack.
  • Limited Premium Cosmetics – Unlock a set of 24 themes, limited-time cosmetics; players can obtain these new in-game cosmetics through direct purchase for Apex Coins, direct unlock with Crafting Metals or random unlock with Event Apex Packs.
  • Double XP Weekend – Earn double XP for Top 5 finishes and wins. This bonus will affect both Account Level and Battle Pass progression. 

So all you players out there get ready because it is sure to be a blast.

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About The Author


Graham is the founder of GamEir and his knowledge is ever growing whenever it concerns gaming, films, and cartoons. Just don't ask him about politics.

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