Vscape Studios has shared with its kickstarter trailer for their inaugural project, Deadlane. Deadlane is a horror/racing game which pits the player against five contestants in a race for survival. Inspired by asymmetrical horror games such as Dead by Daylight and beloved racing franchises such as Need for Speed.
As a multiplayer horror-survival game, Deadlane hopes to expand the genre by blurring the line between hunter and victim.
Keeping true to the survival-horror genre, they have adapted their own version of the “killer/survivor” dynamic; which traditionally acts as the backbone to any horror battle royale.
The details of Deadlane
Deadlane does this, by having two roles that racers can embody: The Chaser and The Chased. The Chased will focus on finding the smartest routes to take, always being aware of their surroundings and protecting themselves against malicious spirits as well as The Chaser’s ill-intents.
The Chaser, on the other hand, will hold many perks as it increases the player’s speed and immunity to spirits. At first glance, it’s common to view these attributes as beneficial; but those playing as The Chaser role will ultimately be eliminated at the end of the lap – regardless of where they ranked in the race.
To avoid elimination, players must pass the curse onto another player in order to avoid elimination. This transfer is only achieved if you can successfully fire at your high-speed target. If landed, the new chaser will then spawn behind the last ranking player – restarting the chase all over again.
The closer to the lap’s end each player is – the less they’ll want to play as The Chaser. This cycle continues until only four surviving racers reach the final lap, in which only three will be rewarded – Gold, Silver and Bronze – the fourth, unrewarded player is the last to be eliminated.
“Our goal for the game was to have an advantage quickly turn into a disadvantage at any time. Both racing and horror focus on building the player’s adrenaline, so the idea of going all-in on that made the entire team very excited” – Rick Alcala, Co-Director.
Racers will need to look over their shoulder for far more than just The Chaser as they are most prone to the wrath of Telly – the apparition of a young woman who will frequently be caught lurking around the track, patiently waiting for the most opportunistic moment to lash out towards her next victim.
What separates Telly from other on-road obstacles commonly seen in many games are her violent tendencies – which are entirely procedurally generated. Keeping you on the edge of your driver’s seat no matter how many times you’ve played.
“We best compare Deadlane to the thrill of riding a roller coaster. It’s a ton of fun but it can be really horrifying, too” – Rick Alcala, Co-Director.
On top of single-player races, additional single-player modes (such as time trials and Outrun, a single-player/PvP survival mode) are currently being developed in mind for the project’s launch.
Deadlane has been developed by Vscape Studios and will launch its Kickstarter today with the campaign goal set at $30,000.00.
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