Dragon’s Dogma director Hideaki Itsuno recently announced the highly anticipated Dragon’s Dogma 2. Also, it is now in production using Capcom’s RE ENGINE. This highly anticipated reveal followed a discussion of the inspirations behind the monsters, combat, and unique gameplay mechanics that define the high-fantasy world and open-world action of Dragon’s Dogma. The much-awaited sequel was announced with the reveal of the logo for the upcoming title.

Small beginnings

Itsuno began the developer video by recounting his youth. How classic pen-and-paper role-playing games introduced him to the genre of high fantasy and RPGs. After these early experiences captured his heart, Itsuno went on to develop a passion for arcade and action titles.  He especially loved the combat of Capcom’s Street Fighter II.

By the year 2000, Itsuno had released multiple titles for Capcom’s arcade division. He then began piecing together the first concepts for a game that would eventually become Dragon’s Dogma. This dream would have to wait, however. Itsuno was assigned to finish the production of Devil May Cry 2, and its sequels Devil May Cry 3 and Devil May Cry 4. As we all know the DMC titles are a much-beloved franchise.

As Itsuno finished looking back at the origins of Dragon’s Dogma, he gave fans the first look at what lies ahead for the series with the surprise reveal of Dragon’s Dogma 2. Itsuno and the Dragon’s Dogma 2 development team including Dragon’s Dogma veterans Daigo Ikeno and Kenichi Suzuki are hard at work creating the sequel and are excited to share more details in the future.

I personally have never had an interest in Dragon’s Dogma. It felt to me like a lacklustre title. That ultimately doesn’t matter though because fans around the world have been rejoicing since the sequel’s reveal. Hopefully, it can build on what was already beloved by many and bring in non-fans like me into the fold.

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About The Author


Graham is the founder of GamEir and his knowledge is ever growing whenever it concerns gaming, films, and cartoons. Just don't ask him about politics.

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