For anyone looking for tickets to the highly anticipated Dublin Comic Con Anime Edition look no further! GamEir has joined forces with the team behind Dublin Comic Con Anime Edition to give away two pairs of tickets to the event that is being held at the Convention Centre on the weekend of March 31st – April 1st. We have one pair of tickets for Saturday and one pair of tickets for Sunday.

So with the theme of anime in mind please leave a comment below with your favourite anime character and if you’d like to go that bit further, because we love going a little bit further here, leave their greatest moment as well. Mine would be Gon and his transformative battle against Pitou in Hunter X Hunter. Check out the details below for the competition ahead of Dublin Comic Con Anime Edition.

  • Be sure to include which day you would like to attend in your answer.
  • This competition is open only to residents of Ireland.
  • Travel and accommodations are not included, prize winners are expected to make their own way to the event.
  • The winners will receive one pair of two tickets to attend the event.
  • Competition ends at 13:00 pm GMT on Tuesday 27th of March 2018.
  • The winner(s) will be notified by 18:01 pm GMT on Tuesday 27th of March 2018.

Be sure to stay tuned to both Dublin Comic Con Anime Edition and GamEir for more details for the con as it draws closer.



About The Author


Graham is the founder of GamEir and his knowledge is ever growing whenever it concerns gaming, films, and cartoons. Just don't ask him about politics.

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4 Responses

  1. Gary Reynolds

    I’d like to attend on the Sunday.
    My favourite anime character would have to be Maes Hughes; his death is still considered one of the most heartbreaking moments in anime.

  2. Bronagh Cody

    Another one for Maes Hughes from Full Metal Alchemist – soul destroying moment


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