As with the start of 2022, 2023 will start with me reviewing more releases from Free League Publishing. This time though it’s two extensions to my 2022 Tabletop game of the year, Vaesen. At the end of 2022, Free League released, Seasons of Mystery and Mythic Britain & Ireland. Let me take you by the hand and lead you through what you can expect.

Vaesen: Mythic Britain & Ireland

I have been looking forward to Mythic Britain & Ireland for a while. Most of my excitement was to see what Vaesen and mysteries they would come up with in Ireland. To my disappointment, the main focus was on Britain. I shouldn’t have been surprised really so I won’t hold it against them.

Mythic Britain & Ireland is the more significant expansion of the two at 164 pages. Set in 19th-century Britain and Ireland you are summoned to a sister Society called the Apollonian Society. The whole setup mirrors the base game so it is easy just to jump in. The Rose House will be your base of operations and even comes with its own creepy little butler, Hawkins.

Mythic Britain & Ireland comes with three new character archetypes (Athlete, Entertainer, and Socialite). Like the basic archetypes, they come with their own resources, attributes, etc… You also get thirteen new Vaesen that span across, Britain and Ireland. Along with the three new mysteries, this will give you so many options. The book is a GM’s dream to start in a new setting and has everything you need to spend a long time hopping back and forth between Ireland and Britain.

Seasons of Mystery

Seasons of Mystery sets us back in Scandinavia and has all the bleak, snowy goodness any Vaesen GM or player could want. I ran one of the new mysteries (A Winter’s Tale) and I am using it as a jump-off point for a big campaign. Unlike Mythic Britain, this one is smaller and only comprises four mysteries and some hand-outs.

Both expansions are brilliantly written and easy to navigate. Then there is the artwork, as usual, it is beautifully done by, Johan Egerkrans. These really are a must for any Vaesen fan and cannot wait to see what Free League comes up with next in the series (I’m hearing France). You can check out the mysteries we have played through on the Team Zoom Zoom Youtube channel here

Stay tuned to GamEir. Come talk with us on Twitter (@gam_eir), Facebook (@GamEir), and Instagram (@GamEir).

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About The Author

Dec is a married gamer of 4 kids and 3 dogs so how does he get the time to game? only the gods know

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