To celebrate Valentine’s Day this year the duos game mode returns to Apex Legends for a limited time for the Valentine’s Day Rendezvous.

Invite that special someone to join you for Rendezvous. Play the limited time duos mode between February 11th – 18th, get new and returning Valentine’s items plus earn some double XP in the process.

What’s in the Valentine’s Day Rendezvous for Apex Legends fans:

  • Log-in to collect your Valentines 2020 Badge
  • Duos returns for a limited time
  • “Double Up” XP Boost – Squad up with a buddy and earn double XP (up to 20k per day)
  • New and Returning Valentine’s items
    • 2 new Pathfinder and Nessie gun charms
    • Return of last year’s “Through the Heart” DMR and “Love of the Game” Banner at discount

I’ve never experienced Apex Legends myself but seeing what is coming up for it definitely intrigues me and so please let us know in the comments below or on our Discord what is it that makes Apex Legends so addictive?

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About The Author


Graham is the founder of GamEir and his knowledge is ever growing whenever it concerns gaming, films, and cartoons. Just don't ask him about politics.

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