Featuring the world’s most popular and classic manga/anime franchises including Dragon Ball Z, One Piece, Naruto, and many others, players will be able to create their three-character manga/anime dream tag team and take them into battle in hyper-stylish arena brawls set against backdrops of famous landmarks around the world including New York City’s Times Square and the Matterhorn in the Alps. Utilising Unreal Engine 4, JUMP FORCE brings these titans of Japanese pop culture to life for the first time ever in stunningly realistic detail.
The lines that separate our world from the JUMP world have been blurred, with evil forces spilling into the real world to rule over humanity. The greatest heroes known to manga/anime including Goku, Luffy, Naruto, as well as many others to be announced, must join forces to triumph over the forces of evil seeping in from the JUMP world.
JUMP FORCE looks fantastic especially for a game in deep development. The only issue I’d have is where the rest of the roster is, even though we’ve seen Light and Ryuk from Death Note we’ve seen no gameplay for them. Also, how many of the cast from J-Stars Victory VS will return? I personally want Gon and Killua to show up with new terrifying abilities (Gon’s heartbreaking ultimate ability in particular). It would also be great to see Yusuke from Yu Yu Hakusho return especially as I understand the character more.
Ultimately the gameplay seems to be there for JUMP FORCE, now Bandai Namco just needs to put in the work to develop an evolved roster since its predecessor.
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