Niantic and The Pokémon Company have announced that the Buddy Adventure feature will soon arrive in Pokémon GO, adding all-new ways for Trainers to interact with their Pokémon. Buddy Adventure leverages the cutting-edge augmented-reality technology of the Niantic Real World Platform to understand the world around Trainers and further blend the real and digital worlds together.
Buddy Adventure will give Trainers the ability to interact with their Buddy Pokémon like never before. When AR+ mode is enabled, a Buddy Pokémon will react to its Trainer, who can directly play with and feed their buddy to earn new Perks. Trainers can also look forward to a new shared AR mode which will launch for Pokémon GO after the initial launch of Buddy Adventure. Shared AR mode will allow up to three Trainers using AR+ to take a group photo of their buddies together—perfect for creating epic Pokémon moments and capturing new memories with friends.
A brand-new trailer celebrating the upcoming launch of Buddy Adventure in Pokémon GO can be found below. The video highlights the new ways players can interact with their Buddy Pokémon and features an acoustic version of Queen’s “You’re My Best Friend,” performed by Paul Canning, capturing the love and friendship people can experience with their buddies.
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