Frontier Developments has announced a brand-new expansion for the ultimate zoo simulation, Planet Zoo. Introducing an extraordinary array of new animals who call this vast region their home, Planet Zoo: Eurasi...
The Planet Zoo: Oceania Pack has landed - that's right, folks. It's that time again. The 15th downloadable content pack for Planet Zoo, the Oceania Pack is live! At this point, Frontier Development has estab...
Exciting news as Frontier Developments invites players to experience Planet Zoo: Oceania Pack. This is a thrilling new expansion for the ultimate zoo simulation. It will arrive on the 19th of September on Stea...
The Planet Zoo: Arid Animal Pack is the latest in a long line of DLC for Planet Zoo. It is the 14th content pack DLC for the game, bringing the grand total amount you'd need to spend to have every DLC to just s...
A brand-new expansion for the ultimate zoo simulation, Planet Zoo has been announced. Bringing players a mesmerising selection of animals hailing from dunes, deserts and dusty plains, Planet Zoo: Arid Animal P...
Players can welcome a plethora of fascinating wildlife from steppes, plains and prairies across the world with Planet Zoo: Grasslands Animal Pack. This new expansion arrives on PC via Steam on the 13th of Dece...
An exciting expansion for the ultimate zoo simulation, Planet Zoo has been announced. Players can discover unique species and embrace the Halloween spirit with Planet Zoo: Twilight Pack. This latest pack will a...
The incredible Planet Zoo Southeast Asia Animal Pack is available to purchase right now. Containing eight amazing animals your guests will go wild for, alongside one timed scenario set in a never-before-seen lo...
Frontier Developments plc has announced a Planet Zoo expansion that’s certain to make waves. The Aquatic Pack is an all-new, water-based DLC featuring everything players need to turn their zoos into magical mar...
Good day, zookeepers and animal enthusiasts! Frontier Developments have brought yet another expansion to Planet Zoo in the form of the Planet Zoo: Australia Pack! Today, I'll talk you through the additions made...